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Being able to search many different opportunities at the same time really cuts down on wasted effort.
We are making tools available to give you the advantage.
Our data platform technology and combines publicly available data to provide to statistics and analytics on the property market. Our focus is less on providing house by house data, postcode by postcode, and instead looks at metrics. We give buyers and sellers more context about the market and the opportunities it can present to them.
We are keen to work with partners who may wish to provide us with their data in a reciprocal arrangement.
In addition to the data we collect and process on the market, we provide mechanisms for experts in property industry to provide their content data and success stories to our platform. represent multiple views of client information to website users to help connect buyers, sellers, and market professionals (estate agents, auctioneers, service providers, lettings companies).
Consumers benefit by having access to industry insights in one place and benefit doubly by the data provided by both findigl and these experts.
Findigl analyses market data to provide our users with information normally reserved for market professionals. The result is actionable information for buyers and sellers alike.
Our search technology searches the property market and gives users free consolidated reports it would take days to search for manually.
Findigl publishes property sector businesses ideas and data on findigl. You can review this premium information to help get ideas on the market.